I'm pleased to announce Version 1.0 of AzurePublicIPAddresses. This version includes support 6 new Azure regions:

  • Australia Central

  • Australia Central 2

  • UK North

  • UK South 2

  • North Europe 2 (name TBC)

  • East Europe (name TBC)

This release also represents a major milestone since the modules creation back in March 2016. The module has proven to be very stable, and hence I'm now giving it the stable 1.0 moniker. I'm confident that the existing design should support any new regions or source XML files that Microsoft may release without the need for breaking changes.

SquareSpace has been my blogging platform of choice since 2011. My biggest complaint with the platform has always been syntax highlighting. SquareSpace comes with some simple highlighting, but it only supports a few languages, certainly not PowerShell. Over the years I've tried everything from simply using bold and italic text, to using custom HTML and even embedded Pastebin and GitHub Gists. No matter what I tried, I was never happy with the result.

In early January, Ben Claussen reported that there was a date formatting issue in Posh-SYSLOG, I've released Posh-SYSLOG 3.2.1 to address these issues.

When I initially developed Posh-SYSLOG, I didnā€™t correctly follow RFC 3164. The timestamps sent had a leading zero for dates less than 10, but the RFC states this should be a leading space. I donā€™t know how much this impacted some users, and apologise for any issues.

Over the Christmas break, I had a few hours to spare and tackled a few issues in some of my PowerShell modules. Iā€™ve released Posh-SYSLOG 3.2 as a resolve of this.

This version removes the need to call Get-NetAdapter that's contained in the NetTCPIP module. The reason why I wanted to remove this dependency is to allow Posh-SYSLOG to run on PowerShell 6 (at least on Windows to start with).