All in Azure

I'm pleased to announce Version 1.0 of AzurePublicIPAddresses. This version includes support 6 new Azure regions:

  • Australia Central

  • Australia Central 2

  • UK North

  • UK South 2

  • North Europe 2 (name TBC)

  • East Europe (name TBC)

This release also represents a major milestone since the modules creation back in March 2016. The module has proven to be very stable, and hence I'm now giving it the stable 1.0 moniker. I'm confident that the existing design should support any new regions or source XML files that Microsoft may release without the need for breaking changes.

Several days ago, a post titled: Microsoft Resnet - DNS Configuration Web Vulnerabilitygrabbed my interest. It has an innocuous title, and I hadnā€™t recalled anyone else talking about a Microsoft DNS Vulnerability. The post wasn't that long, the description and the proof-of-concept are only a few paragraphs in length; however what I did discover was an interesting vulnerability, one that, I feel, is going to become more and more prevalent with the use of Platform As A Service (PaaS) technologies like Azure App Services.