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Advanced Parameter Validation (revisiting get-filehash)

I am currently working on the rebuild of my template for all of my PowerShell scripts, trying to do things "better" this time around. I have learnt a few things over the last hour, one of which I don't understand (but everything works if I do it, so I will keep doing it), and another I just had to write about.

What is the great new thing? Well I wish i had known about it earlier, its the advanced parmater validation features.

Let's take a look at the first few lines of the get-filehash (original article, update) method I wrote about previously.

Now, I removed the comment based help syntax for brevity, but it is a little long, and there is the annoying enum defining the valid hash values to deal with as well, and then the section validating the file is a path etc. What if we could clean this all up?

Lets see:

Its a lot cleaner!

What we have is a ValidateScript, which is performing a test-path on the input. I am using the -pathtype 'leaf' to ensure we are hashing a file, not a folder. Then we have a ValidateSet, here we are saying, lets confirm the value for that parameter is in this array.

If either of these validations fail, we will get an error message along the lines of:

Get-FileHash : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'File'. The "Test-Path $_ -PathType 'leaf'" validation script for
the argument with value "D:\WIP\powershell\FileHash\filehash.jljdklf" did not return true. Determine why the
validation script failed and then try the command again.
At line:1 char:20
+ Get-FileHash -File D:\WIP\powershell\FileHash\filehash.jljdklf
+                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Get-FileHash], ParameterBindingValidationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Get-FileHash
Get-FileHash : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'File'. The "Test-Path $_ -PathType 'leaf'" validation script forthe argument with value "D:\WIP\powershell\FileHash\filehash.jljdklf" did not return true. Determine why thevalidation script failed and then try the command again.At line:1 char:20+ Get-FileHash -File D:\WIP\powershell\FileHash\filehash.jljdklf+                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Get-FileHash], ParameterBindingValidationException    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Get-FileHash


Not bad is it?

Another option to check out is ValidateRange. As you can guess, it allows you to validate the parameter against a range. An example would be [ValidateRange(1,10)], which will validate the paramater to ensure it is between 1 and 10! 

Here is the new get-filehash in full...