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DirectAccess Resources

So I have been spending quite a significant amount of time working on DirectAccess and generally talking to people about DirectAccess, remote access and working remotely in generally over the past few months.

DirectAccess was a technology that I had wanted to work with for a significantly long period of time, the concept of an always on VPN like it has always interested me. I was extremely excited to be given the opportunity to work with it!

Not only did I get the opportunity to deploy DirectAccess in an enterprise environment, but I also had the chance to share my experience with the Brisbane Infrastructure Group.  My presentation can be found here.

So I thought why not provide you all with links to some of the resources that I used during my deployment of DirectAccess


Richard Hicks (MVP DirectAccess) - http://directaccess.richardhicks.com/

Tom Shinder (MVP DirectAccess / TMG) - http://blogs.technet.com/b/tomshinder

Iron Networks - http://www.ironnetworks.com/blog/

Specific articles you should read:







There are probably some links missing, if there are other things that I realize I have missed, I will update this post.