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PowerShell Error: The specified structure must be blittable or have layout information.

So recently I was working with the Get-TSLsaSecret CMDLet which was written by Niklas Goude, a guest blogger from TrueSec who was writing on the Hey Scripting Guy Blog.

You can find the write up on the CMDLet here, It is also worth reading the previous post in the series here.

Everytime I ran the CMDLet, ensuring that I was running as a 32bit session, which was elevated, I would receive the message "The specified structure must be blittable or have layout information.", I looked and looked and couldn't see anything I was doing wrong, or anything wrong in the code.

I the stumbled upon Microsoft KB 2909958. Resolving the issue is very simple, we just need to do another cast on the line with the error.

In the code from Microsoft/Niklas, change:

[LSAUtil.LSAUtil+LSA_UNICODE_STRING] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::PtrToStructure($privateData, [LSAUtil.LSAUtil+LSA_UNICODE_STRING])


[LSAUtil.LSAUtil+LSA_UNICODE_STRING][System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::PtrToStructure($privateData, [System.Type][LSAUtil.LSAUtil+LSA_UNICODE_STRING])

And you are done!

More to come on Get-TSLsaSecret!!!!