Posh Security

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Posh-SYSLOG 3.2.1 has been released

In early January, Ben Claussen reported that there was a date formatting issue in Posh-SYSLOG, I've released Posh-SYSLOG 3.2.1 to address these issues.

When I initially developed Posh-SYSLOG, I didn’t correctly follow RFC 3164. The timestamps sent had a leading zero for dates less than 10, but the RFC states this should be a leading space. I don’t know how much this impacted some users, and apologise for any issues.

I want to thank Ben for putting together such a great issue, he included some recommended fixes and tested an updated version before its release.

As it stands, there are no outstanding issues, and only one feature request for Posh-SYSLOG. If you find any issues or want to make a feature request, please do so via a GitHub Issue.

You can get the new version from GitHub or from the PowerShell Gallery.

Kieran Jacobsen

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