Posh Security

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[Updated Module] Posh-SYSLOG v4.1.5 has been released

A new version of the Posh-SYSLOG module has been released.

The purpose of this update is to provide better support when running on PowerShell Core. This module removes the dependencies on Get-CIMInstance that isn't available on PS Core (at least on MacOS and Linux).

This code will not work correctly on PSCore 6 on WSL at this stage due to an issue in the underlying .Net Core version.

I have also switched to YAML builds and added additional test cases. I need to write a few more test cases for the new functionality.

Getting the Module

If you have never used the module before, the easiest way to get Posh-SYSLOG is through the PowerShell Gallery:

PS> Install-Module -Name Posh-SYSLOG

If you already have the module installed, you can update the module from the PowerShell Gallery with:

PS> Update-Module -Name Posh-SYSLOG

You can also download the release from the module’s GitHub Releases page.

Found an issue? Then raise any bugs or feature requests via GitHub Issues.