Planet PowerShell
I'm happy to announce that Planet PowerShell is now enforcing HTTPS for all aggregated sites. I gave some extra time for authors to make the change. In the end only 3 authors opted out of moving to HTTPS, so I'm happy with the result.
I've been making some changes to how CloudFlare cache settings. Planet PowerShell consumes roughly 150GB of bandwidth each month. I'm working to ensure that most of this is served from CloudFlare and not the underlying Azure App Services. Doing this will ensure that the cost of running Planet PowerShell is kept low. Thanks to Troy Hunt for his help with this.
Finally, for those who follow my blog directly, you'll have seen me post about how I manage the DNS for Planet PowerShell. While there isn’t any PowerShell in the post, I encourage you all to read my post “Managing DNS with DNSControl, CloudFlare, DNSimple, GitHub, VSTS, Key Vault and Docker!”.