Posh Security

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Posh-SYSLOG 3.3 has been released

Several days ago, Jared (powershellshock) raised a Pull Request for Posh-SYSLOG to correct an issue with the module’s manifest. It seems that in version 3.0 of Posh-SYSLOG, I used the PowerShellHostVersion attribute of the module manifest and not PowerShellVersion to specify the minimum Powershell version. This wouldn't have created issues within a normal PowerShell session, but would have prevented the module from loading in VS Code (as Jared reported) or the ISE.

To understand the difference of these attributes, I suggest reading: PowerShellHostVersion – WTF?, by Jeffrey Snover.

This is by far my most popular module and it's become even more popular this year. Since January there's been almost 20 000 downloads of the module, compared to 1600 for the previous 2 years combined! I'm amazed that this simple little module has gained such popularity!

Getting the Module

If you have never used the module before, the easiest way to get Posh-SYSLOG is through the PowerShell Gallery:

PS> Install-Module -Name Posh-SYSLOG

If you already have the module installed, you can update the module from the PowerShell Gallery with:

PS> Update-Module -Name Posh-SYSLOG

You can also find the module on GitHub.

Found an issue? Then raise any bugs or feature requests via GitHub Issues.