All tagged azure

Azure Automation State Configuration (previously Azure Automation DSC), is a service provided by Azure that allows you to write, manage and compile PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) configurations and assign these configurations to target virtual machines (or any server or workstation to be honest). On its own, State Configuration provides some basic configuration examples, but its true power comes form the ability for you to define your own configurations.

I'm pleased to announce Version 1.0 of AzurePublicIPAddresses. This version includes support 6 new Azure regions:

  • Australia Central

  • Australia Central 2

  • UK North

  • UK South 2

  • North Europe 2 (name TBC)

  • East Europe (name TBC)

This release also represents a major milestone since the modules creation back in March 2016. The module has proven to be very stable, and hence I'm now giving it the stable 1.0 moniker. I'm confident that the existing design should support any new regions or source XML files that Microsoft may release without the need for breaking changes.