DNS is one of those critical systems that never gets the attention it deserves. Every organisation relies on DNS. It is critical for the smooth operation of your business and yet, it's rarely considered as important as web and email. Your customers canā€™t find your corporate website or email servers without DNS, without DNS your business isnā€™t online. People shouldnā€™t be required to remember an IP address (something that's next to impossible with IPv6) just to access the corporate intranet!

Several days ago, Jared raised a Pull Request for Posh-SYSLOG to correct an issue with the moduleā€™s manifest. It seems that in version 3.0 of Posh-SYSLOG, I used the PowerShellHostVersion attribute of the module manifest and not PowerShellVersion to specify the minimum Powershell version. This wouldn't have created issues within a normal PowerShell session, but would have prevented the module from loading in VS Code (as Jared reported) or the ISE.

I'm pleased to announce Version 1.0 of AzurePublicIPAddresses. This version includes support 6 new Azure regions:

  • Australia Central

  • Australia Central 2

  • UK North

  • UK South 2

  • North Europe 2 (name TBC)

  • East Europe (name TBC)

This release also represents a major milestone since the modules creation back in March 2016. The module has proven to be very stable, and hence I'm now giving it the stable 1.0 moniker. I'm confident that the existing design should support any new regions or source XML files that Microsoft may release without the need for breaking changes.