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AzurePublicIPAddresses v1.0 has been released

I'm pleased to announce Version 1.0 of AzurePublicIPAddresses. This version includes support 6 new Azure regions:

This release also represents a major milestone since the modules creation back in March 2016. The module has proven to be very stable, and hence I'm now giving it the stable 1.0 moniker. I'm confident that the existing design should support any new regions or source XML files that Microsoft may release without the need for breaking changes.

What's the future for this module? With the launch of Azure Service Tags, in some respects this module has become less useful, but, I'll maintain the module for the immediate future.

I'm also thinking how this module and the JSON based file for Azure Service Tags should fit together. My current through it to create a separate module that consumes that file and allows you to select addresses by region and service.

Getting the Module

If you have never used the module before, the easiest way to get AzurePublicIPAddresses is through the PowerShell Gallery:

PS> Install-Module -Name AzurePublicIPAddresses

If you already have the module installed, you can update the module from the PowerShell Gallery with:

PS> Update-Module -Name AzurePublicIPAddresses

You can also find the module on GitHub.

Found an issue? Then raise any bugs or feature requests via GitHub Issues.