In early January, Ben Claussen reported that there was a date formatting issue in Posh-SYSLOG, I've released Posh-SYSLOG 3.2.1 to address these issues.

When I initially developed Posh-SYSLOG, I didnā€™t correctly follow RFC 3164. The timestamps sent had a leading zero for dates less than 10, but the RFC states this should be a leading space. I donā€™t know how much this impacted some users, and apologise for any issues.

Over the Christmas break, I had a few hours to spare and tackled a few issues in some of my PowerShell modules. Iā€™ve released Posh-SYSLOG 3.2 as a resolve of this.

This version removes the need to call Get-NetAdapter that's contained in the NetTCPIP module. The reason why I wanted to remove this dependency is to allow Posh-SYSLOG to run on PowerShell 6 (at least on Windows to start with).

Just a quick note to announce that I've released an update for my Posh-SYSLOG module, version 3.1.1

The module fixes issues with PowerShell 4.0 support as reported by Cristiano Guadagnino and Brian Napolitano. As always, a huge round of thanks goes out to the pair for discovering the issue, pointing me in the right direction to fixing the issue and testing the fixes.

Between personal, community and team projects, I am involved in the maintenance of over 30 PowerShell modules. I have two recommendations to anyone starting with PowerShell, read the community style and formatting guidelines, and most importantly, standardise your work. I have developed a structure for all of my projects over the years, and now that I am performing more mentoring and code reviews I thought I would share some of my tips.